About Us
Bali Study Club (BSC) is a foundation which tries to anticipate and give solutions and what children need in learning – especially English and Computer Skills – in comfortable ways. We believe that – when children enjoy studying – it will affect their willingness to study. They will study and practice what they have learned. This way of learning should be developed and encouraged towards children so they will have no problem in the future.
BSC’s missions:
- Take part in giving a proper knowledge base to children, especially English and Computer Skills
- Help children to solve their problems dealt with their lack of education
- Give a good and qualified education to children where the ability of social interaction, emotional development, and creativity are emphasized.
The Organizers
Kadek Arsana graduated with a Diploma 3 from IKIP Negeri Singaraja and he finalized his university degree at STKIP AH Singaraja and graduated with Cum Claude Predicate (Honorary Distinction – PHD). After he graduated he worked for 3 years as a part time teacher in high school and 2 years in primary school in his village.
Kadek Arsana was already working in the tourism industry from when he was 13 and stopped working after getting a sponsorship from two Dutch sponsors who also gave him the experience to visit Europe in 2005. In 2007, he established a school, namely Bali School Study Club (BSC).
Besides being a teacher at his own school, he recently also works as a property manager. Although he is now a property development consultant he also uses this to his advantage and uses his new venture to gain more support for helping families less fortunate and gaining sponsorship’s to other students. One of his goals is to establish a high quality school in his village.
Anthony Jackson graduated from high school in 1989 with 8 GCSE’s from Towneley High School. After leaving high school he went on to work in various sectors knowing only too well how hard it is to carry on in higher education when you come from a poor background. He went on to complete his goal in higher education and gained BTEC’s, Diploma’s and a BA (Hon) in Business Studies, Marketing, Business Management and Supervisory Management. He also went on to do a course on Business Information Technology. He continued to work in the area’s he already had experience in but took a new path in life which was to follow online courses and continue learning himself.
Although Anthony Jackson had never been a teacher before, he gained a qualification in Community Leader Sports Awards and has helped motivate junior football teams to league winners and cup winners for over 5 years. He also gave private one to one tuition to university students studying IT. After starting his own Computer Repair business he later progressed into different area’s and helped set up a joint venture partnership called Rusty Tub IT Solutions with people from around the world doing Web Development, Software Development, Web Hosting Services, SEO and Online Marketing and their main area of specialization…. Network Security. One of the projects produced so far is a new operating system built in Linux called Kidify which is a free operating system to aid younger children in their development and education.
After organizing various other social projects for social issue’s in his own country in England he decided he would like to help somewhere where his skills could be put to better and bigger uses. One of his greatest assets is being able to motivate children in such a way that learning and helping them get a better education becomes more fun and is admired by not only the children but the parents too.
Anthony Jackson is the coordinator and teacher for the social schools program for Bali Study Club and over the last year has made remarkable progress with the children with his dynamic teaching methods and advanced learning techniques. He has also taught English in elementary school at SD 1 in Temukus in Buleleng and was also honored to have been asked to represent Bali Study Club at The College of Tourism from the chairman of the board of directors.
Bali Study Club (BSC) adalah sebuah yayasan yang mencoba memberikan solusi terhadap kebutuhan siswa dalam belajar – khususnya Bahasa Inggris dan Komputer – dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Kami yakin bahwa – ketika siswa senang belajar – akan mempengaruhi kemauan mereka dalam belajar. Mereka akan belajar dan mempraktekan apa yang telah dipelajarinya. Cara belajar seperti ini hendaknya dikembangkan sejak dini, sehingga mereka tidak mempunyai kesulitan di masa depan.